Bureau de direction X4

février 2016

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Bureau de Direction X4:

Le bureau de direction X4 offers 4 shapes of interchangeable legs on the same frame with 3 different finishes, 9 melamine tops with bicolour edge, 4 glass top colours for 144 different combinations. Thanks to a wide number of choices, the integrated system X4 is totally modular and complete, in order to work out executive and operative solutions and unique reception areas, integrable with a wide range of partitions, storage units and chairs.

FLEXIBLE SYSTEM FOR THE OFFICE OF TOMORROW. A face-to-face workstation equipped with an efficient cable system,
frontal panel and top access.

LINEAR COMPOSITIONS WITH DESK-HEIGHT STORAGE SYSTEM and overlapped storage units. Each element can change position and function according to customer needs.

A flexible and configurable system. X4 answers to the necessary dynamism to facilitate the various activities of the office. Side by side and bench compositions with the accessories rail: maximum flexibility in the creation of large surfaces where it’s easier to work in.

CHROME, ALUMINIUM, WENGÉ, FABRIC AND POLYCARBONATE IN A SYSTEM THAT satisfy every need of the contemporary office. The frame of the partition becomes support for the top transforming an element of union in a particular generator of infinite solutions.

VARIATIONS ON A THEME, A GAME WITH ELEMENTS of color shades and shapes in combination. Operative solutions from the single desktop to complex workstations with accessories and partition, compositions without limit of continuity.

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